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Girls discover the world of engineering at Brose during their vacation

Jule (links) und Marie Köhn nehmen an dem Mädchen für Technik Camp bei Brose teil. Auszubildende internationalen Automobilzulieferers gewähren dabei Einblicke in ihre Berufsfelder.

Coburg, 2013-07-08

Thirteen schoolgirls in the 7th – 9th grade are currently spending the first week of the summer vacation at Brose, the international automotive supplier in Coburg, finding out about the world of engineering. They are taking part in the Girls for Technology Camp organized by the Education Center of the Bavarian Industry Association (bbw). It is the eleventh time that the family-owned
company has participated in the scheme. The five-day program covers engineering, training in soft skills like team and communication skills, and a wide range of leisure activities.

Under the guidance of Brose apprentices, the pupils learn about various aspects of technical professions. Each participant will build a wire loop game with the help of the mechatronics apprentices. With trainee plant and machinery operators they will build a board game and a key ring, while technical product design apprentices will explain how to use a computer program to create a design plan for a “kaleidocycle”, which they can then construct out of paper.

The program also includes holiday activities: the girls, who are staying at the youth education center in Neunkirchen, will go on group day trips and get to know one another better during team-building activities. This year the participants include twins Jule and Marie Köhn (13). They heard about the bbw program from their physics teacher: “We have always liked technology, which is why we decided to come on the summer camp. Here in the Brose training department we find working with the modern machines particularly exciting,” says Jule. Besides the technical elements of the camp, the two girls particularly like being part of the group, as Marie explains: “We look forward to going to the climbing park together.”

According to Michael Stammberger, Manager Apprenticeship HR Brose Group, it is important for the girls to have fun during the first week of their vacation: “The combination of leisure activities and the technical experience makes it easier to inspire enthusiasm.” This has worked in the past, as Stammberger explains: “Four girls who took part in the camp later came to do their apprenticeships here.” And the proportion of female apprentices at Brose is now above average for engineering companies.

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