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Company | Portrait

Brose is one of the five largest family-owned automotive suppliers.


Products | Portfolio

Mechatronic components and systems

The core competence of Brose is the synthesis of mechanical, electrical, electronic and sensor systems. Worldwide, every third new vehicle is equipped with at least one Brose product.

Stefan Krug, CEO

Change in the management structure at Brose SE

On October 2, 2024, the shareholders of the international automotive supplier transformed the dualistic structure of Brose SE into a monistic one. The shareholders have appointed Stefan Krug, in addition to his responsibilities as Chief Operating Officer (COO), as the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the company. Stefan Krug has been with Brose in various roles both domestically and internationally since 1998.

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Brose is one of the pioneers of sustainable transformation

Brose is a finalist for the German Sustainability Award 2025, making the family-owned company one of the top 3 companies in the German economy in the automotive industry category that are making a special contribution to the sustainable transformation of the industry.

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​​AVAS from Brose: driving noise for more safety

​Automotive supplier Brose is expanding its product portfolio to include an acoustic warning system for electrified vehicles. Strating in 2026, the family-owned company will equip several million electric and hybrid vehicles in Europe and North America with the new product.​

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Virtual reality in product development saves time, costs and resources

The product developer Eike Fröhlich regularly immerses himself in a virtual world and analyzes prototypes on a vehicle model. For example, he simulates different variants of door controls or identifies possible improvements.

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Industry and science: collaboration promotes innovation and progress

Our family-owned company works with regional universities around the world. The exchange with young people is part of our understanding of innovation and progress. This is because we benefit from research results and scientific expertise. In return, we provide insights into the day-to-day work and challenges of a globally active industrial company.

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Your perspective: more than simply a job

We offer customized entry routes and individual career prospects.