Future tax inspectors visit Brose

Sixteen members of the Coburg tax office gained an insight into Brose workflows during a visit to the family-owned company. The majority of the guests were candidates for the higher financial services who are currently enrolled at universities. Many of them will work later as tax auditors.
"It was important for us to raise awareness for the work and processes in an industrial company among the prospective tax inspectors," said the head of Brose's tax department, Dr. Ariane Lindner (4th from left). It was also her idea to organize this exceptional plant visit. "From our daily work, especially when it comes to tax audits, we know that many processes within our company need to be explained in detail," continued Lindner. "It is in the interests of the company and of the tax office to start communicating early on."
Visit complements the training
This was also confirmed by the head of the tax audit department of the Coburg tax office, Matthias Weltz (8th from left): "The day at Brose was highly interesting for our candidates. The content of their training program was supplemented by what they were able to learn regarding the daily operations of an industrial enterprise." The agenda also included special lectures for the future tax inspectors in addition to a tour of the plant. Using examples from their work, Brose employees demonstrated how complex processes may be in an industrial company and how much time and efforts it sometimes takes to implement the requirements of the tax authorities. The participants were quite impressed with their company visit, which is why a follow-up meeting for the next year has already been arranged.