114 young people to start vocational training schemes with Brose in September: a new record

Jürgen Otto (Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung Brose Gruppe, re.) und Michael Stammberger (Ausbildungsleiter Brose Gruppe, li.), hießen die neuen Azubis in der Firmenzentrale in Coburg herzlich willkommen.
114 young people will be starting apprentice training at five Brose locations in September, which is 20 per cent more than the record number of trainees taken on last year. A total of 78 young men and women will start their apprenticeship in one of eight technical and commercial occupations on September 1, 2012. Of these, 47 will be in Coburg and Hallstadt, 22 in Würzburg, four in Wuppertal and two in Berlin. In addition, Brose Gastronomie GmbH will be training three cooks in Coburg and Würzburg.
On October 1, an additional 36 junior staff will start degree studies in mechanical engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, industrial engineering and business informatics in Coburg, Hallstadt, Wuppertal and Würzburg at a university of cooperative education. This demanding, practical training concept is increasingly popular because it combines university teaching with in-house training.“Our family-owned company places a high value on training,” says Training Manager Michael Stammberger. “It is an important part of developing the next generation. That is why we are continuing to set high standards for school results when considering applications. If the young people can also impress us in terms of their personality, they can look forward to solid vocational training at Brose. Not only that, with its international operations, our group offers young people attractive career prospects in Germany and abroad.”The Brose training concept develops and requires both job-related and social skills. Regular language courses play a part in this, as do foreign assignments lasting several weeks or months at Brose locations in Europe and other parts of the world.
Another important component of the Brose training concept is the Junior Company: this “learning company” at the Coburg, Hallstadt, Würzburg and Wuppertal locations teaches an average of 80 apprentices in their first and second years of training important key skills for their future careers. Stammberger explains the aims of the practical project: “They learn to act independently and to take personal responsibility. They also strengthen their specialist, methodological and social skills as they work on specific company projects.”The high quality of training provided by the automotive supplier has been recognized by Deutsche Berufsausbilder Akademie e.V., the German vocational training academy, which audited Brose’s training schemes and awarded them its “DBA-Cert” seal of approval. “Our processes are implemented effectively and efficiently; all employees involved in training are aware of our standards, guidelines and methods,” says Stammberger. “The seal of approval tells potential apprentices that Brose training schemes do what they claim to do.”
In the first week of September the apprentices will attend a five-day introductory seminar at the youth education center in Neukirchen near Coburg. During the seminar the young people will learn about the company, its training schemes and the Brose work environment. Initial details of their future training is provided in group work.With the new intake, there will be nearly 300 apprentices and students at universities of cooperative education doing their vocational training at Brose: 182 in Coburg and Hallstadt, 20 in Wuppertal, 80 in Würzburg and nine in Berlin.