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Climate-neutral by 2025: Brose presents sustainability strategy

Coburg, 08-18.2021

Brose is placing sustainability more at the center of its corporate orientation. The automotive supplier is developing further fields of action in a unique strategy. Climate protection is one such area: The objective is for all locations to operate in a climate-neutral manner by 2025. Brose is committed to climate and environmental protection and the responsible use of natural resources and is making an important contribution in these areas.

1.5 degrees Celsius – the signatories of the Paris Agreement of 2015 agreed on this value for the maximum increase in global warming. A prerequisite for this is the systematic reduction of CO2 emissions. The EU intends to be climate-neutral by 2050; Germany aims to achieve this goal by 2045. Brose will become a climate-neutral company as well. The objective is for all 65 locations worldwide to operate in a CO2-neutral manner as early as 2025. CO2 emissions of the company totaled some 150,000 tons in 2020, or roughly the same amount of CO2 a small city with 20,000 inhabitants produces annually. Procuring CO2-neutral energy is an important starting point on the way to climate neutrality. Generating power independently is another factor. Brose is investing in renewable energies and has already launched associated projects. Efficient manufacturing processes help to reduce absolute energy consumption. In areas where CO2 emissions are unavoidable, the automotive supplier relies on compensation projects such as reforestation programs.

Fighting climate change and using natural resources wisely are essential for the future of our society – and ultimately for Brose, too. As a family-owned company it is important to us to organize our activities in a climate-neutral manner. But not only that, our products help vehicle manufacturers and other customers meet their sustainability goals, explains Ulrich Schrickel, CEO of the Brose Group.

More efficient, less polluting vehicles

Regardless of the type of drive, the company’s products reduce both energy consumption and emissions, thereby contributing to the achievement of CO2 limit values. To do this Brose focuses on systematic lightweight design, for example in seat structures. Rear seat structures made from organo sheets are 40 percent lighter than conventional steel variants.

Power auxiliary systems increase the efficiency of vehicles and are used for example in steering and climate control. The automotive supplier developed a new thermal management system that can increase the range of electric cars by up to 15 percent. With a basic range of 400 kilometers, this corresponds to an increase of up to 60 kilometers. This is made possible by the efficient air conditioning of the interior and temperature control of the battery.

Many Brose solutions also make new, sustainable mobility concepts such as people movers safer and more convenient, which promotes their use. And the company’s e-bike drives help people with varying levels of fitness travel even long distances without having to rely on cars or public transportation.

Environmentally conscious product development

The automotive supplier’s products contribute to climate protection even beyond their use. Brose also wants to make the entire life cycle of its products as environmentally friendly as possible. The choice of materials has a major impact on the life cycle assessment, or ecobalance. For this reason, the company uses reusable and recycled materials. Brose already considers aspects such as harmful substances and the energy balance as early as the development phase. Thomas Spangler, Executive Vice President Operations, adds: We optimize logistics and production processes as well as the use of raw materials in manufacturing. For example, Brose commissioned a zero-emission paint plant in Taicang/China in 2020. It recycles 95 percent of the water consumed. Heat produced during exhaust gas treatment is fed back into the system, which further increases the efficiency of the plant.

Focus on the supply chain

Brose looks at the supply chain in its entirety. The company also requires its suppliers to adhere to high sustainability standards. Alongside quality and price, the automotive supplier also assesses systematic alignment with sustainable principles. These include both environmental aspects as well social and societal criteria such as fair working conditions and compliance with human rights.

Brose at the IAA

The automotive supplier will be showcasing its innovative and sustainable mobility concepts at the IAA Mobility in Munich at Stand B60 in Hall B1 with a presentation titled Brose – Smart Comfort Solutions. Interested trade fair visitors can try out an e-bike equipped with the Brose drive on a test track in the Hofgarten at Odeonsplatz at Stand HG500.


Electric climate compressor by Brose. The automotive supplier’s new, highly efficient thermal management system can increase the range of electric cars by up to 15 percent.


In 2020 Brose commissioned a zero-emission paint plant in Taicang/China.

Brose_Ulrich Schrickel

Ulrich Schrickel. The CEO of the Brose Group is pushing ahead with sustainability throughout the company.

Thomas Spangler. The Executive Vice President of Operations is responsible for sustainability at Brose.