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Czech team wins Brose European Football Championship

Das tschechische Team aus Ostrava setzte sich bei der Brose Fußball-Europameisterschaft in Würzburg durch. Auch den Pokal des Torschützenkönigs gewann ein Tscheche: Radek Pečiva (3.v.r.) erzielte insgesamt sechs Treffer.

Würzburg, 07-03-2012

The European football champions come from the Czech Republic and the Spanish team came last – it may sound like a topsy-turvy world, but it is in fact the result of the Brose European Football Championship, which was held in Würzburg last Saturday. Eighteen teams from eight countries competed for goals, points and cups at the Würzburg University sports ground. In a thrilling final match, the team from the Ostrava plant beat the team from the Hallstadt Door Systems business division.

One of the two local teams from Würzburg (Drives business division) finished in a respectable fourth place. They made it to the semi-final, but lost to the champions, before being defeated by a team from the Hallstadt plant in the battle for third place. The second Würzburg team (Würzburg plant) came 12th.

A crowd of more than 600 Brose employees and their families created a stadium atmosphere. They combined the fun event with a good cause, donating the proceeds to the Würzburg University crèche.

Sports events are a firm part of the automotive supplier’s year: as well as regular national, European and world football championships, staff take part in skiing, basketball, badminton and squash tournaments every year. As Jürgen Otto, the Brose Group CEO, explained at the event, “Sports and business have a lot in common: you need team spirit and dynamism combined with a systematic approach. As a family-owned company, we are particularly keen to promote solidarity among our employees. So we encourage people from different sites and countries to get to know one another.”

There was plenty of opportunity to do just that at the championship party the same evening. And Brose staff were the main players there as well, with the Würzburg company band, Brose Motor Maniacs, entertaining colleagues from all over Europe.

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