Brose encourages integration: 20,000 euros for coordination office

Once again, this year and for the sixth time in succession, Brose is providing a donation of 20,000 euros to the coordination office for people with an immigrant background. The contact point for refugees and immigrants was already installed in Coburg's Social and Insurance Office in 2016 thanks to support from the automotive supplier.
"Brose employs around 25,000 people in 24 countries worldwide. In our company, good intercultural interaction is a central factor that we specifically promote in the social environment of our locations," emphasizes Steffen Tauss, Head of Social and Health Services at the Brose Group. "The City of Coburg's coordination office makes it easier for newcomers to integrate into our society. We are convinced that this work is an enormous help," adds Tauss.
The coordination office assists people with a migration background to get off to a successful start in Coburg and provides support in a wide range of life situations as needed. In her daily work, coordinator Almut Hagner assists recognized refugees and migrants from crisis areas such as Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan or Somalia, for example in finding housing or filling out forms for authorities. In addition, ethnic German immigrants and citizens from EU member states also seek advice from Almut Hagner.
Despite the Corona pandemic, the coordinator provided assistance in 1589 cases last year. In 1084 cases, this was done in person, and 505 times by telephone or the messenger service WhatsApp. The need for advice has become increasingly intensive and complex. During the pandemic, information and regulations on school attendance, emergency care and other areas of daily life changed almost daily. They had to be passed on to the new citizens in different languages.
In the meantime, Almut Hagner is able to continue her work in the usual way, and personal consultations are possible again by appointment.
"From the many different questions and problems of the people in this situation, we have sensed how important the work of the coordination office is. That is why we are very grateful for the cooperation with Brose and are pleased that, despite the difficult economic times, thanks to this generous donation, our range of assistance for recognized refugees and migrants can continue," emphasized Holger Diez, Director of the Coburg Social and Insurance Office.