Million Tree Project 2023: Working together for a healthy environment
Brose China has been involved in the "Million Tree Project" of the Shanghai Roots & Shoots Organization for seven years now. At the end of August, a group of six Brose employees once again travelled to the Ningxia region in northwest China to help with the tree-planting campaign.
In the Baijitan nature reserve there, the volunteers learned, among other things, how to lay so-called straw grids. These reduce the mobility of the sand, which favours the planting of trees and creates an ecosystem in the desert. Since the straw grids have to be renewed at least every three years, these projects require constant maintenance.
Wan Zhiyue, one of the Brose volunteers, emphasised: "It is an honour for me to participate in the Million Tree Project and to contribute to the protection of the environment here. What makes me even happier is that, as a materials engineer, I can also help the automotive industry reduce emissions from vehicles and contribute to sustainable development by increasing the proportion of recyclable materials used in our products."
Since 2016, Brose China has been involved in the project in Inner Mongolia to curb the ongoing desertification by building the "Brose Forest". By the end of 2023, the forest will cover an area of around 250,000 square metres and reduce total carbon emissions by more than 440,000 kilograms. Brose will continue to adhere to its sustainable development strategy in the future and contribute to the goal of "climate neutrality" through tree planting and other measures.