Opel ADAM Rally Cup Dinkel crowns his season

Dominik Dinkel lined up at the 51st ADAC Three Towns Rally with co-pilot 3-City Kathi Götzenberger in his BROSE Opel ADAM. On the first trial on the Saturday – “St. Salvator I” – the young driver from Rossach got off to a poor start due to the wrong choice of tires, but kept on improving.
Dinkel put on an emphatic performance the second time around, clocking the fastest time to send out the message that he had not given up his fight for top spot. On the subsequent penultimate trial, he posted the second-best time and so was again able to pick up important points for the overall standings.
Dominik Dinkel now had to keep his cool. Third place for the season was within reach due to the fact that his rivals had been forced to withdraw. Totally focused, Dinkel again lined up for the tough 27-kilometer final trial and produced a truly impressively performance. At just 21 years of age, Dominik Dinkel captured overall victory in the rally. He was able to achieve 42 out of a possible 43 points. The young pilot from Rossach presented himself and his BROSE Opel ADAM at the finishing line, overjoyed and beaming with pride.
We congratulate Dominik Dinkel on a magnificent season!