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Support for the children’s ward at Prievidza Hospital

Bojnice , 12-21-2018

Brose is supporting healthcare at the Prievidza site with a donation to the regional children’s clinic. The clinic in the city of Bojnice was opened in 1961 and is located in the direct vicinity of Brose’s Prievidza site in Slovakia. The donation will be used for necessary renovation and modernization work there. In 1979, the children’s clinic was one of the first Slovakian hospitals to have an intensive care unit for children of all ages. Parents can also stay with their sick children day and night in specially equipped rooms. There is also a play, video and TV room that enables the youngsters to forget about everyday hospital life for a few hours.

Axel Mallener, Plant Manager at Prievidza, himself gained a picture of the current situation at the hospital in December and presented a donation check for €3,000 to the head of the children’s ward, Alena Pillarová.