Brose among the top 100 companies to work for in Germany

According to a national survey conducted by the career portal "" in Germany, Brose is the only family-owned company in the automotive supplier industry among Germany's top 100 employers, taking a respectable 58th place. The survey was conducted among students, graduates and young professionals mainly from the fields of economics and engineering.
Primarily OEMs spearhead the rankings of Germany's top 100 employees with BMW and Audi taking first and second place respectively. Daimler, Volkswagen and Porsche also rank among the top ten.
The survey focused on what students and graduates expect from their employers and the major criteria employers must fulfill to be attractive. The outcome revealed that opportunities for training and development were the most important criterion for almost 80% of young professionals. The automotive supplier scores well in this field thanks to its in-house Brose Academy.
Company promotion policies were another important criterion for 73% of the respondents as well as company image (64%) and pay (63%). Less relevant were social benefits (44%), internationality (38%) and infrastructure (35%). Job safety (55%) and industry type (53%) were considered important by about half the respondents.
In terms of location, 44% of those questioned prefer companies that are based in a metropolitan area. The survey also revealed that an attractive place to live is a deciding factor for 46% when looking for a future employer. In Germany, Bavaria is the most preferred place to live when looking for a new job, followed by Baden Württemberg and Berlin.
The positive outcome of this recent survey demonstrates that the family-owned company Brose continues to perform well in rankings and competitions as an attractive employer: last year, the company scored well in the surveys conducted by consultancy firm Universum Communications and the Trendence Institute for Personnel Marketing. In Europe, the supplier numbers among the 500 most attractive employers according to "Europe's 500 - Trendence Graduate Barometer 2010" study. Brose also ranked 3rd among automotive employers in 2010/11 according to a survey by the CRF Institute, an international research body.