Brose honors best trainees of the year 2011

Best trainees of the year 2011: From left to right: Jürgen Otto (CEO of the Brose Group), Carina Leffer, Tina Hämmerlein, shareholder Maximilian Stoschek, Luisa Kaiser and Esther Loidl (Vice-President Human Resources Brose Group).
For exemplary achievement, three young ladies – all in their second year of training – received a book as present from Brose shareholder Maximilian Stoschek at the Brose Christmas party in Coburg this year: Luisa Kaiser (mechatronics technician "DBFH" [combines apprenticeship with schooling for university entry qualifications], 17 years old) got the almost perfect grade of 1.3. Prospective technical product designer Tina Hämmerlein (18) completed the year with a grade of 1.4, and Carina Leffer (industrial clerk, 23) got a grade of 1.5.
Such extraordinary results are not a coincidence: the Brose juniors are promoted very selectively; in the course of their training they acquire important skills as basis for promising professional career development in an international work environment.
They are helped to do this by the instructors and training officers in the specialist departments at the meanwhile 12 training locations worldwide, who provide competent assistance to the young people and ensure that the training meets high standards of quality.
The reward for the effort: at the German Brose training locations alone, this year almost half of the 64 people who recently finished their training got above-average examination results with average grades of 2 or better.
Jürgen Otto, CEO of the Brose Group, reported at the Christmas party that Brose hired a record number of trainees in 2011: almost 100 young women and men commenced vocational training in September in Coburg, Hallstadt, Würzburg, Wuppertal and Berlin.
In all, nearly 300 young people currently are learning an occupation at the more than a hundred-year-old family-owned company. Of those 300, almost 40 are undergoing training in industrial-technical occupations as automotive electronics specialists, toolmakers or fitters at seven foreign locations, in England, France, the Czech Republic, Spain, the USA, Canada and Brazil.
However, the internationalization is reflected not only in stepped-up training activities abroad: each year Brose trainees and dual university students gather first experience abroad at the Brose facilities in Europe and overseas. In 2011 a total of 24 young women and men completed international assignments of several months' duration in Mexico, the USA, China, South Korea, Brazil, the Czech Republic, Spain and Sweden, where they familiarized themselves with the working methods and the culture, improved their foreign language skills and were able to take part in demanding technical and commercial projects.
Recently, the Brose training was certified with the "DBA-Cert" quality seal of the German Vocational Trainers' Academy (DBA) for its high and consistent quality.