Competition Top Employer Automotive 2011/12: 2nd place for Brose

Recognition of outstanding employer quality: Tilman Meyer (Director Human Resources, Brose Europe, pictured right) receives award from Steven Veendaal, CEO CRF Institute, in Frankfurt am Main.
According to the study "Top Employer Automotive 2011/12" conducted by the international research institute CRF, Brose is one of the best national employers in this industrial sector, coming in second in the overall ranking. The company was able to improve on its previous year's ranking of third place.
"The companies honored in this survey are among those German firms in the automotive industry who have been particularly successful in the categories of innovation management, career prospects, primary benefits, secondary benefits/work-life balance, training/development and corporate culture."
According to the institute: "All of these companies who received an award are regarded as groundbreaking examples, particularly with regard to how they treat employees and what they can offer them."
"We congratulate Brose on this success. Our award is in recognition of their top-rate HR policies and their commitment; at the same time, we also wish to give interested applicants the possibility to obtain some comprehensive information about excellent employer qualities," said David Plink, head of CRF, explaining the objectives of the study.
The institute took a look at approx. companies in the automotive sector. list After an extensive pre-selection process, 25 of them made it to the short list where they underwent an in-depth study based on an analysis and employee interviews.
Together with the company consultancy A.T. Kearny, CRF carried this out in cooperation with the Center Automotive Research (CAR) at the University of Duisburg-Essen as well as with the VDA (Association of the Geman Automotive Industry). A total of 24 automakers, suppliers and IT and engineering companies succeeded in receiving certification.
"We are delighted that we managed to improve our result for the third consecutive time. This shows us that we are on the right track. Nevertheless, some potential for optimization is still evident: the award therefore urges us to continue developing our HR concepts in order to win suitable employees, to train them even further, to retain them, and to keep them motivated and performance-oriented in the long term. Qualification and expertise are the driving force behind innovation and productivity - and subsequently the pre-condition for sustainable company success at Brose," emphasizes Esther Loidl, Vice-President Brose Group.
Qualification for the award was the pre-condition for being included in the book "Top Employer Automotive 2011/2012", comprising portraits of the top employers. The book is distributed by CRF to graduates and young professionals at job fairs and congresses. It is also available in book shops. In addition to the results of the study and other company-specific details, there are interviews with company employees about personal and employment aspects.