Junior staff training expanded considerably

Some 95 young people started their apprenticeship at the German locations of the Brose Group this year. The photo shows Jürgen Otto, CEO of the Brose Group (1st from left) and head of apprentice training, Michael Stammberger (1st from right), with the new Brose employees
A record number of young people are commencing their professional careers at Brose with the start of the new training year: A total of 95 young people start their apprentice training on September 1st at the five training centers run by the international automotive supplier. Compared with the previous year, this constitutes an increase of 25% in apprentices employed by the family-owned company.
Sixty-three young men and women commence their apprentice training on September 1st in one of Brose’s eight industrial/technical and commercial vocations; forty-four of them will receive training at the Coburg and Hallstadt location, fourteen in Würzburg, three in Wuppertal and two in Berlin. An additional three young men will be trained as chefs in Coburg by Brose's catering enterprise,the Brose Gastronomie GmbH.
Cooperative education studies combine university-based education with practical work experience
From October 1st, a further twenty-nine junior staff at the Coburg, Hallstadt, Wuppertal and Würzburg locations will take up degree studies in mechanical engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, industrial engineering and business informatics at a university of cooperative
education. This demanding and practical training is becoming increasingly popular since it combines university attendance with company assignments.
Promising career opportunities at home and abroad
"The high number of apprentices appointed reflects the importance of apprentice training at Brose as a key component in promoting junior staff, without sacrificing our high expectations regarding the applicants’ school performance of. If it is good and if the young people can convince us personally, the door to a sound vocational training at Brose is wide open for them. Promising career options in Germany and abroad are another benefit for the young people," says Michael Stammberger, head of apprentice training at the corporate group.
Systematic preparation for international networking
Brose's apprenticeship concept develops and likewise requires technical and social skills. Regular language courses as well as assignments to foreign locations in Europe and overseas lasting from several weeks to several months are also part of this concept.
Brose Junior Company conveys important core competencies
Another important component of the training concept is the Junior Company. An average of eighty apprentices from the first two training years are taught core competencies for their future careers in this "learning company" located in Coburg, Hallstadt, Würzburg and Wuppertal. "They learn how to work in an independent and autonomous manner. In addition, their technical, methodological and social skills for processing specific work orders are strengthened," says Stammberger when explaining the objectives of this extraordinary project which focuses on practical experience.
Introductory seminar to give orientation and to get to know each other
A four-day introductory seminar takes place at the youth center in Neukirchen/Lautertal for Brose apprentices in the first week of September. An overview of the company, the apprenticeship and training operation as well as the New Brose Organizational Model is presented to the young people. Initial details of their future training are provided in group work.
The Brose Group provides training and apprenticeship programs to 255 young people including the new apprentices. 162 are located in Coburg and Hallstadt, 17 in Wuppertal, 68 in Würzburg, 7 in Berlin and one in Sindelfingen.