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Award: Brose one of Volkswagen Groups best suppliers

Volkswagen Group Award 2015 für Brose

The Volkswagen Group awards ceremony honoring the company’s best suppliers. From left: Dr. Francisco Javier Garcia Sanz (Member of the Board of Management responsible for Procurement at Volkswagen AG), Jürgen Otto (CEO of the Brose Group) and Prof. Dr. Martin Winterkorn (Chairman of the Board of Management of Volkswagen AG).

Coburg, 07-23-2015

Brose received the prestigious “Volkswagen Group Award”, an award the Volkswagen Group presents to honor the entrepreneurial performance of its best international suppliers. Jürgen Otto (CEO of the Brose Group) received the award from Prof. Dr. Martin Winterkorn (Chairman of the Board of Management of Volkswagen AG) and Dr. Francisco Javier Garcia Sanz (Member of the Board of Management responsible for Procurement at Volkswagen AG).

“To make really good cars, you need really good partners – and we certainly have them,” said Winterkorn at the awards ceremony on July 15, 2015 in Neuburg near Ingolstadt. The Volkswagen Group honored the world’s best cross-brand suppliers, and mechatronics specialist Brose was one of them. According to Volkswagen, the award-winners are distinguished by their “innovative power, product quality, development competence, sustainability and professional project management”.

“This recognition by the Volkswagen Group for our global performance is a significant achievement for us,” said Jürgen Otto. “It acknowledges the performance and expertise of our employees who are involved in cross-product activities worldwide for all Volkswagen Group brands. It also reaffirms that our company should continue to expand this collaboration based on innovation, quality and efficiency.”

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