Changes to the executive management board of the Brose Group

Kurt Sauernheimer (left) is retiring after 32 years of service at Brose. Ulrich Schrickel will be the new CEO of the Brose Group effective 1 January 2020.
During a meeting held on 2 December 2019 the shareholders and advisory board of the Brose Group decided to make the following changes to the Brose executive management board: Ulrich Schrickel will become CEO of the Brose Group effective 1 January 2020. Kurt Sauernheimer, who has been head of the executive management board since the beginning of 2018, is retiring. Christof Vollkommer will be the new Executive Vice President of the door business division.
Ulrich Schrickel (53) studied mechanical engineering at Karlsruhe University. During his time at Bosch he headed up production facilities in the Czech Republic and Italy, was responsible for central quality management, worked as Senior Vice President Business Unit Transmission Control and most recently held the position Executive Vice President Automotive Electronics. Schrickel took over as Brose’s Executive Vice President Door in August.
Kurt Sauernheimer (60) has worked for the automotive supplier Brose for 32 years and has headed up a number of areas, including Sales and Purchasing. When he took over the reins of the whole group at the beginning of 2018, his business division, Door, generated 3.2 billion euros – more than half of group turnover.
Following his apprenticeship training and specialization as an industrial fitter and master mechanical engineering technician at Brose, Christof Vollkommer (52) became a test engineer and project manager and led Test Door Systems in Detroit/USA. As a product unit manager he was responsible for liftgate systems, side door drives and most recently access and closure systems in Hallstadt, Coburg and Bamberg. Vollkommer has been Deputy Executive Vice President of the door business division since 2017.
The shareholders and advisory board thank Kurt Sauernheimer for his many years of service and his extraordinary contribution to the success of the Brose Group. They are pleased that he will continue to serve the company in an advisory capacity.
“Ulrich Schrickel will lead the Brose Group into the future as an independent family-owned company, strengthen its profitability and power to innovate and prepare the organization on its way to becoming a modern, entrepreneurial enterprise. And he can count on the full support of the shareholders and advisory board,” explained Michael Stoschek, Chairman of the Brose Group.