Pančevo, Serbia
Brose lets Pančevo dribble: new basketball court opened

Over the past few weeks, hard work has been carried out on the ageing basketball court at Mika Antić Primary School in Pančevo and the long overdue renovation has finally been tackled. On June 14, the last day of school before the summer vacations in Serbia, the time had finally come: the new basketball court was officially opened and handed over to the pupils. As part of our social commitment, our company sponsored the renovation of this court, which is now available to all citizens of the city.

"We hope that the new court will become a popular meeting place for all basketball enthusiasts and that perhaps even the future champions from Pančevo will take their first sporting steps here," said Matthias Tupy, General Manager of the Brose plant in Pančevo, at the opening ceremony. "With this commitment, we are also sending a signal of our close partnership with the region: we are investing in the children, their health and their future," added Head of Human Resources Andy Schmidt.

In addition to professional, durable flooring, robust basket systems were installed, as well as supports for a volleyball net. Basketball is one of the most popular sports in Serbia - now the pupils and citizens of Pančevo have another place where they can meet and play together. At the opening ceremony, the pupils immediately took to their new court and showed off their skills. What a great reason to look forward to school and basketball again after the summer vacation.
Watch a video of the conversion of the square and the opening here!
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