Automotive Jobs in the US - Brose North America: Michigan, Alabama, Illinois, South Carolina, California; Brose London / ON
- General ApplicationUnited States of America, Auburn Hills Administration, Einkauf, Fertigungsverfahren / -technologie, Projektmanagement, Elektronik / Elektrotechnik, Fahrzeugtechnik, Fertigung / Montage Engineering (US only)
- Production Network Planning and Facility Intern (Year- Round)United States of America, Auburn Hills Werksplanung Working Student
- Regional Tax AccountantUnited States of America, Auburn Hills Finanz- und Rechnungswesen / Controlling Specialist / Professional
- Kettering University Co-OpUnited States of America, Auburn Hills Fertigungsplanung / -steuerung, Fertigungsverfahren / -technologie, Produktion, Projektmanagement, Elektronik / Elektrotechnik, Fahrzeugtechnik, Vertrieb Students
- Customs and Logistics ControllingUnited States of America, Auburn Hills Logistik / Disposition Specialist / Professional
- Commodity Buyer - Raw MaterialsUnited States of America, Auburn Hills Einkauf Specialist / Professional
- Work Safety and Environment ManagerUnited States of America, New Boston Umwelt / Arbeitssicherheit Führungskraft
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