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Brose in top 500 employers in Europe

Coburg, 06-17-2010

Brose is one of the 500 most attractive employers in Europe, according to “Europe's 500 – trendence Graduate Barometer 2010”, the largest pan-European survey of its kind.

In the survey conducted by trendence, the institute for personnel marketing, the international automotive supplier came 347th (previous year: 267th) among engineers, the most relevant target group – despite the recent economic crisis, which hit companies in the automotive industry
particularly hard. Nearly 220,000 (previous year: 200,000) final year students from 24 (previous year: 22) European countries were asked about their preferences and expectations with regard to potential employers.

Press Contact Anna LeCloarec Communications Manager Brose North America +1 248 339 4123 E-mail