Plastics engineering specialists receive Brose Award 2012

Once again this year, two scientists have been awarded the Brose prize for outstanding final dissertations on the development of new methods and techniques for the processing of polymers.
Christopher Budde (University of Paderborn) received his prize at the Erlangen-Bayreuth Kunststofftage 2012, a two-day event focusing on polymers, for his Master’s dissertation on injection molding fiber-reinforced thermoplastics. The second prizewinner, Jan Kuppinger (University of Karlsruhe), wrote his dissertation on new processing techniques for fiber-reinforced polyurethanes.
“This year, both dissertations dealt with fiber-reinforced plastics, which are playing an increasingly important role in the manufacture of our products, including in the development of new door system concepts tailored to individual customer requirements,” says Dr Peter Weidinger, Director Material Laboratory/Environment Brose Group.
It is the sixth time that automotive supplier Brose has awarded the prize in collaboration with the Scientific Alliance of Polymer Technology (WAK), a group of 30 highly acclaimed professors in and outside Germany. WAK had invited submissions for a total of six awards in three categories.
“Our aim is to maintain close contact with the specialists at WAK, to increase awareness of our company in expert circles and to get to know promising new university graduates,” says Dr Weidinger. “In addition, the competition gives us a good insight into current research and development topics.”